Friday, July 18, 2008


How would you feel when you had typed the URL i/o What I meant was how would your computer feel? It would be under threat of catching cold..err.spyware!!!...

But I have a solution...rather..there is a solution. There is a firm calling them as "Web Of Trust"(WOT). Yes..They are truly trusted firm..They have a wonderful add-on for firefox fans like me. If you are not gifted as such and still use IE,no sweat! You can still add them and make surfing somewhat secure!!

Once installed the WOT color code appears on the sites wherever you go. Based on that you would be rest assured that the site is genuine or malware!!

Isn't it worthwhile to blog? U Decide!!

1 comment:

Nebula said...

' would your computer feel?
.. what a thought!! seriously !

How many of us really think, how a computer feels when it crashes ??! :|

btw, I'm also Mozilla fan :)