Thursday, November 27, 2008

Crudity to the crux - Mumbai terror drama !!

Its an utter shame and plight to look at the state of a country which speaks of democracy with diversity but show back to the preparedness of tackling terrorism.

How many chances should a nation get to get this rehearsed to take care during the future incidences?? We cant stop terrorist incidences but we can get ourselves equipped. We wouldn't have lost 2 chief police and ATS chief who led the assault against terrorist first with basic armors!! It was pity to see the callous politicians doing the blame game and gain poll mileage than be united to fight against terrorism and united with the citizens!!

Why should police personnel risk their lives and politicians and bureaucrats holed up at safe bungalows?

I share my serious condolences to police and ATS chief who lost their bravely for our lives and pray for god to support their families!!

Its my sincere view that these so called "white ghosts" must be shot at, for being trivial to our country well being. Lets declare emergency and youngsters rule !!

Lets give our heart to our brave men !!

Lets see a change!! This is our country!! This is India !!

I am united for it !! I game for a change !!!

1 comment:

Nebula said...

I totally agree!!
It's time something is done!! If KPS Gill can erase internal militancy in Punjab in 1984, Why can't something be done to remove the external militancy ??